Friday, April 08, 2005


Living with someone,who smokes, when you don't, can be quite a challenge! All that "second hand" smoke, that you hear so much about, does exist! What do you do about it? Well, you love the person,but hate the habit!!!
There are some "second hand" habits,though,that can be good....
Just think about it. When your children see you helping someone you don't know, or speaking kindly to a stranger. All these "second hand" habits, can really transform those who are watching you,so be careful........
Remember the little song, that said: "Be careful little lips,what you say"How true it is,too,because someone you don't even know, might just be watching you, and through the "second hand smoke screen" of your witness,they might just pick up your Godly, or ungodly habits!
Think about it!


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