Monday, October 25, 2010


As I watched the movie, "Secretariat" today, I marveled at what a wonderful job they had done in portraying this beautiful horse, but I also despaired at the comparison of him too! There could never be any horse that could compare to him, as far as I am concerned. When you've seen the real thing run, the imitation just doesn't compare!
One day, there will come one who will "try" to run the race for our souls too. He will come as an imitator of the real thing and will dupe people into following him as the Christ. Many will indeed follow him too, because they won't have remembered God's written word, which tells of this!
The antichrist will perform many miracles too, but they will pale in comparison with the real thing. He is only an imitator, and imitations don't last. They usually end up in the trash!...... This one will end up in the Lake of fire!


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