Sunday, October 24, 2010


Most of you have heard the scripture "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart," but have you ever seen it come true?
I want to share with you how God gave me the desires of my heart in a very special and tangible way, in the hopes that it will be a source of encouragement and hope for many of you.Anyone who truly knew my David, knew that he was NOT a gushy type person, nor did he use affectionate terms when talking about his life.
That just wasn't David!I told God many years ago, that I wanted Him to do whatever it took to reach David Lock's heart, but to give me the strength to accept it and to give me a tangible sign so I would know for sure that he was in Heaven!
I had no doubt that He would do it, but I just didn't know how.About a week before David died, I woke up with the full assurance that he was saved for sure! It wasn't a feeling, but a " you know, that you know, that you know" assurance. ..............
Still, I didn't have my tangible sign!
About four days before David died, the administrator of the caregivers came by and said she had to ask David what he thought of his caregivers.She asked him, and came back and told me that he said "I am blessed'!In thirty seven years of marriage, I have never heard David Lock say he was blessed about anything!
(I might, but not David!)
This was as if God was giving me my tangible gift by saying He had touched David's heart sometime in the last week, and drawn him to Himself. I knew without a doubt He was in Heaven!......Blessed Assurance!
I gave God the desire of my heart and He gave me the desires of mine too! Now when I grieve, as I surely do, it's a joyful grieving. For only through Jesus, can joy and sorrow unite!


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