Wednesday, November 12, 2008


David loves to watch the old black and white westerns,that have the cowboys and indians in a sure'nuff shoot 'em up movie! I always wondered why in the world they formed a circle around the campfire, with their wagons, only to have the indians ride in a circle around the wagons, shooting their bows and arrows at them! When I think about it,though,I don't ever remember any of the indians being able to break through the wagon's circle.....It was that well protected! The men were always on their guard too!
In the same way, we need to protect the word of God in our hearts!
We need to encircle it with prayer and keep watch for any ungodly enemies who might try to penetrate it and misplace it's meaning.It only takes a few misplaced thoughts for wrong interpretations!
Those indians could ride around forever,but they wouldn't get through!
Satan can try his tactics too,but they won't work either......
God's word will stand forever,either in a circle,or in a line!
It stands by itself,or in a group!
It just stands!
Let's protect it!


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