Wednesday, February 20, 2008


MY Grandmother Bouterse had an Amaryllis Lilly growing outside her trailer, when I was a little girl, along with a Plumeria(The Hawaiian Frangi Pani flower) . Both plants had been transplanted to my Mother's house in Mount Dora, and to my home in Aiken, but are now here in Beaufort with me.
It took 14 years for the Frangi Pani to re-bloom in Aiken, but it finally did, and it has bloomed regularly ever since.The Amaryllis continues to bloom away.
Just like these plants were transplanted for me, so we are transplanted as children of the "Living God" He plants us where He wants us to start out, and when He's ready, He will "dig us up", and "transplant us" into another area.That's often the hard part for us, because we don't always want to go......
If we let Him shower us with His bountiful blessings, and His words of Grace and Mercy,always doing things His way, we will become the most beautiful bouquet in the garden, because we will be reflecting God's Glorious Grace and Beauty.....


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