Saturday, February 02, 2008


When I was a little girl,my brothers had a cool whistle, which I also learned to do. This was learned,incase we ever needed to get the attention of one another,or needed help.
(I never met another female who could whistle like this,until I met Sandy either!)
When I was around 13,I went to Disneyland,I became separated from my family, so I whistled, hoping to get their attention. My brother whistled back, until we found each other!
At Disneyland, this was quite a fete too!
I would recognize that whistle anywhere.....
When Jesus left this world, He left the disciples with the third person of the trinity,.......... the Holy Spirit. This was a reminder of Him, and the disciples recognized His voice and His word.It was just as if Jesus was there in person, giving them His gentle nudgings .
He does this for us today too.
If we stay in scripture, we are knowing our Jesus in an intimate way.
When we hear that gentle nudging,or that voice, we can be sure if it is the Holy Spirit speaking,or not.
If it's the same as God's word, then it probably is!


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