Thursday, November 08, 2007


When my Mother died, at the age of 89, in 1999, we had a memorial service for her, down in Mount Dora, that was most unusual in how it began......
I don't believe I have ever seen another one, quite like it, but it is so typical of how God would have all of us react, when going home.
At the beginnig of the service, my whole family was seated at the front of the church.As people began coming in, we just got up, and met them at the door,"welcoming them" into the Lord's house, and to Mother's "going home service".
It was a wonderful feeling to be able greet those who were coming "in love", rather than "through tears"......
I know, when I stood to read something that I had written, about Mother, I was encouraged from the happy faces out front!
Her service, was a reminder to me of the joy we will feel, one day, when we too, are welcomed "Home", with a grand celebration.
Only then, the King of the Universe, will welcome us with open arms!
Now, that will really be a welcome Home!!!


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