Sunday, November 04, 2007


Let's see..........
We played "Dominoes Jesus".
That's where you search for the lost domino, hoping to match your own.The lost domino is in need of hearing the "word", so we would match him up with someone who could connect him to the word of God.(Don't laugh,I learned Dominoes and scripture this way!)
When we made "Guava Jelly Jesus", we simply strained out the impurities, from the Guavas, just as Christ did, for us, by straining out our impurities by taking us through the refiners fire. Our refiners fire just happened to be a cross on Golgotha.
In this way, the dross was removed, and only His image would show forth.
It was the "Embroidery Jesus" with its blind stitching that got me though. "You can hide alot of things,Becky, but God always sees us, as we thread our way through life," Grandmother Bouterse would always say. I think she pretty much had the scripture down. "Whatever you do,do it as unto the Lord."
I'd say,she surely did!.....Perhaps something like this.....
"Grandmother Bouterse Jesus"! :p)


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