Sunday, November 04, 2007


I watched another good movie today(for the umpteenth time)
"Field of Dreams" was a delightful depiction of a creative mind.When a young baseball rookie told Ray Kinsella(Kevin Costner) that baseball was the answer, and would never change,I had to shake my head and think how even that will someday change, but the word of God will never change!
It is our one true and sure word for all time. The Psalmist even said:" The precepts of the Lord are right; rejoicing the heart." We know if His laws and statutes are right and correct, then they will bring about rejoicing from within our heart.
If that hasn't changed in 2000 years, it isn't gonna ever change, so His word will never,ever change.....
He is.....and that is all there is to it!


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