Thursday, July 20, 2006


Father, when I come across days when I am confused, and not really sure what I'm facing, would You please just surround me with Your never ending Peace and Comfort. You have promised to uphold me with the right hand of Your Righteousness, and are always ready to fight for me, and have never lost a battle yet! Father, please surround those I love with Your hedge of protection, and keep them safe.
I trust in You enough,Oh God, to know that whatever happens in my life,it is part of Your "Master Plan", and in Your will. I lift those I love, up to You,Father, that they may see You, with open eyes, and receive You with an open heart, and respond in kind!
Touch even the most stubborn hearts Lord, so that they will know You,Father. My heart aches, Lord for the many who do not know You, and who You really are. Please touch their hearts Lord, and reveal Your awesome ways of love to them. I ask these things in Your Holy and Omnipotent name,amen.......


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