Saturday, February 02, 2008


I loved going into Daddy's den, as a child, and watching him draw up plans for the houses he was building. I didn't stay long, because it took him forever to finish one house plan, and I didn't have much patience then.....
He spent months on each plan, working on everything from the overall construction, to the tiniest detail. He didn't overlook a thing! When I go back to Mount Dora today, and talk to people who are living in those 1950's built homes, they will tell me, that they are some of the best built homes ever!.......Even other builders will tell me this!
It's because he took all that time in the planning and drawing up of his plans.......
You know, God does the same thing with us too, and always has!
He allowed David to spend time as a shepherd boy, so that he would rely on His "Jehova God" in the wilderness to guide him and his flock, before he could guide a people as King. He was being groomed!
Joseph spent time under Potipher's care, before his plan unfolded, and that was after he had been "thrown away" by his brothers. Boy howdy, did God ever have a plan then!
.......and how about 40 years in the wilderness? Children who become a stubborn and stiff necked people, get a different kind of plan, and even though they didn't get into the land of milk and honey,God's plan was not thwarted,for Caleb and Joshua did!
God prevails and always wins! I just love my God and His plans,don't you?
Yes, He draws up the plans of our lives, and it takes many,many years to implement them.
We just have to pick up the plans and roll!


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