Tuesday, August 28, 2007


In the quiet of this morning, while it is still sort of dark outside, the rain has started up in full force. It sounds so good on the tin roof, here at the beach.It has been so oppressive this week,and the rain will be a refreshing change when we go outside later.
On our daily walk, we can also become bogged down with the daily things that can become so oppressive to our attitudes. We don't have the joy we are suppose to have , because satan stifles us with his oppression.
God "reigns" though, and when He pours forth His blessings, we can be sure that they will cover us, and refresh our attitudes.
Just as the rain did for the heat outside, but with this reign, you don't get wet!
Satan doesn't stand a chance around God!
He's all wet, and water evaporates when the "Son " hits it!


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