Tuesday, August 28, 2007


When you walked into Grandmother's trailer,from the porch,you immediately saw a little Cuckoo clock on the left wall over her hot water heater.I thought it was so neat, until it started getting late, and that little Cuckoo kept on cuckooing!
For a long time,it got pretty anoying,but if I went back into her little bedroom,I would soon get so use to it, that I would even forget it was there!I have Grandmother's clock, now, but you better believe it is put up. It is, however, a constant reminder to me,of God's word!......... Yep!
God's word should be a constant reminder of how we should be living every hour of every day! I just hope and pray we, as a nation, don't do like I did with that cuckoo clock, and get so use to God's word that it doesn't mean much to us anymore.
That would be a dreadful mistake!


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