There is, so much that is talked about, concerning divorce and the heartache that it causes the children in families. Now that's true,of course, but it has been placed on my heart lately, to share what the heart ache of a 21 year old girl, feels like when I heard those words so long ago,so I am sharing some of my own hurts......
Words I never,ever thought I would hear from my Mother or Father.....No way!
I grew up the baby of five children, into what I considered a pretty idyllic home.Mama and Daddy devoted their lives to all of us. They took us to Sunday School and church; Daddy taught a class, and Mama sang in the choir;, and we were taught all the "right things" to do, when we were growing up. We were taught to be kind and considerate of others and to follow the golden rule.
After 40 years of marriage, though, my Daddy wanted a divorce!
Even now, at the age of 60, this still gives me a yucky feeling inside when I think back to that day.
I pretty much adored my Daddy, so I had a hard time understanding(muchless accepting) what he was doing. He had put all 5 of us through college, along with a young black boy, who had worked for him,............. and now this?
I was angry folks. Yes, I was, and God had to really work on me during this time.
Mama was hurting, and I didn't understand any of it. Divorce doesn't just hurt the little ones.........No sir! It hurts the big ones too, and sometimes,I think it may even hurt more!My whole insides hurt at that time.......
So many times today, I think of Joseph, and his telling his brother's, that "you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good". Yes, I think that God took what Daddy did, and turned it around for His Glory!
Daddy married Jean, whom I eventually came to love, after Mama married Bob, whom I already knew, and loved!
Both my parents lived to be 89 and 90 respectively, and are with the Lord.
When I go to Mount Dora,I stay with Jean, now.......Isn't that funny?
God works all these things out in such creative ways doesn't He?
From my hurting heart at age 21, to the blessings He has bestowed on me from knowing Jean now......My,my,my.
So, know that it doesn't make too much difference if you are a young child,or a young adult,.....divorce hurts! God hates it, so that, in itself, should tell us something.
If it's before God, then it's for keeps! If it hadn't been for my Lord holding onto me, I'm not sure I would have made it.I was in the generation, where divorce was just unheard of!
They say experience can be the best teacher, so if it gets rough in a marriage,I'm glad after 34 years,that I learned from a difficult situation......
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