Friday, January 19, 2007


Did you ever get yourself in such a dither over something that was suppose to happen tomorrow, that you almost made yourself sick?
Angela use to say,"the juice just "ain't" worth the squeezin" when this would happen.....How true! How true! There is absolutely nothing we can do about tomorrow, and yet, we're always worrying about it!
I wonder why?
Scripture tells us,"For who by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life?"
We can't, and yet we're bound and determined to try and succeed at our worrying!
A little wise woman once told me that the sun will always rise in the morning, so don't you worry!
Then she said, if it doesn't rise in the morning, then you had better have made your peace with God! .............Made sense to me! The sun should come up, and that will take care of today. I can do something about today!
Yesterday has pretty much come and gone, and I took care of it, the best that I could!
Hopefully,I will have rinsed my brush out of the past, and dipped it into the word of God today, so I can paint a truly brighter and more godly picture of tomorrow.......


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