Sunday, October 22, 2006


I did have another grandmother, while I was growing up.
This grandmother was the one who always gave me Vanilla Wafers for dessert, which I didn't like! She made wonderful biscuits and would never,ever be caught holding the "Old Maid", when playing the card game.....(Woe was me!)
Does that tell you anything?She was married to the Grandaddy who told me all my Brer Rabbit stories, so maybe that's why.......
She had a round gold locket that she wore, when my Daddy was teething as a baby. It had a teeninsy diamond on the back and her name was engraved on the front. The neatest thing though, were the teeth marks, where my Daddy use to bite, or "teethe" on the locket, when she was holding him.
This is a beautiful reminder to me of their love, but more so of how we need to stay so close to the word of God, that when we need the comfort of our Heavenly Father, we can almost bite into His word, and digest every delicious morsel.......
If we do this enough, and people see it in us, then, we too, have left our mark.....for Christ!


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