Sunday, October 22, 2006


As I listened to Michael Easley talk this morning, about being firm on what we believe, and letting our beliefs be not only on our door posts, but in our hearts as well, I recalled the glassed framed sign that hung over my Grandmother's bedroom door, at her trailer, that simply stated....."God First". That was her motto in everything she ate, breathed,prayed,read, slept or talked, as long as I ever knew her.......It would stand us in pretty good stead today, to engrave it on our hearts, once again.
Putting God first, in our hearts will keep us first in God's heart too!
We put on a coat to cover us; make up to make us look better; curlers to do something with our hair.....
So, why not let others know who we are on the inside, as well as the outside? Like Joseph's coat of many color's......This is our coat of God's many blessings!
Grandmother's little framed plaque is sitting in my kitchen window, and whenever I look at it, I am reminded of who needs to be first in my life, and when He's first, then my belief's will be written all over my face!


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