Thursday, April 06, 2006


When I was a little girl, my Daddy use to take me aside, and show me all kinds of special features that I could do, to enhance my drawings, or paintings.......
Things like shading, and outlining, and not squeezing the tube of paint too hard! He always reminded me, that "a little bit goes a long way, Beg". I learned an awful lot from my Daddy, about my drawing, and painting techniques that I still use today.......but I learned most all of it at an early age!
This made me stop and think, that when we train our children as "little folks", we need to use some of these same principles.....
We can show our children how to draw, and the type of lifestyle to draw, but we can't draw it, or live it for them......
We can teach them to outline their lives, with God's Grace, because, when you outline your drawing's, they always stand out better, and God's Grace is the best outline ever!
Then comes the day, when you have to decide, whether you are gonna squeeze the results out of your tube of "living paint",
or gently push forth just enough color to allow it to blend in the world, with the wonderful and magnificent colors of our Lord and Savior, in an otherwise dull and dreary worl!
Don't squeeze the tube hard! It makes a mess!


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