Thursday, June 23, 2011


" Whatsoever things are true; whatsoever things are honorable; whatsoever things are right; whatsoever things are pure; whatsoever things are lovely, if there be anything praiseworthy, think on these things....."
Beginning in the Garden of Eden, I think Adam and Eve took their focus off of all these attributes and listened to those deceptive whisperings of satan! Satan is the master deceiver and will use any means necessary to get people to take their focus off of the "main thing"! In this case, Our world has been in a mess ever since!
When Joshua and Caleb were to lead the Israelites into the promised land, all but two of the spies came back with reports that everyone in the land were giants!
The people took their eyes of of the promise of God, that they would enter, and the majority became too scared to do so, so God declared that they would wander for forty years!....All because of disobedience and disbelief!
See where our mistrust and doubt can get us?
God wants faithful warriors!
Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on the water to the Master, but when he looked at his surroundings, he sank!
He took his focus off of his Savior!
We are no different today! When we take our focus off of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and place it anywhere else, we are serving an idol, and you know what God says about idols! He will have no one else before Him!....No one!
Let's get busy and love our Lord and prove just how much we do trust Him and His promises!


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