Saturday, May 07, 2011


She was the "Mama" of an Norwegian-American family living in San Francisco, in 1910, and her story is told through the eyes of her daughter, Katrin. It is like looking through my own family album, filled with memories of love and sadness, because she reminds me of my own grandmother.
There was an Aunt Jenny, and Aunt Trina, and of course, Uncle Gunnar.
(Mine would be Aunt Virginia; Aunt Mary, and Uncle Howard!)
Katrin remembers her Mama with love and affection, thus the title of the show:......."I Remember Mama"!
As each of us remember our Mama's, this Mother's Day, let's give thanks to God for their love and affection too. No matter how far away they are, or how old, give thanks that God gave them to you.....
Christ thought so much of His own Mother, that the last act He did from the cross as He looked down at His Mother, was to charge the "one that He loved," behold your Mother!
Now that is remembering His Mama with love!
Happy Mother's Day!


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