When I was a student at Montreat College, I played on the women's basketball team. I played as a roving guard, but because I learned basketball in Florida, I had never played DGWS basketball rules and wasn't use to roving all over the court, so I became tired much too quickly early on in the game. I would often call for a substitute to come in and take my place.
In our game of life, God knew we would tucker out from trying to do our best at everything we tried. He knew our sinful nature would attempt to reach Him by doing "great things"........ He also knew it wouldn't work! He knew we could rove and rove all over life's court and all we would get, is TIRED!
So, God in His infinite mercy, called in a substitute before we even realized we needed one. Actually, this substitute allowed us to sit on the bench and let Him play the entire game. All we had to do, is trust Him with the score!
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