Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Because He loved us so very much, our loving Father, laid His very own Son down, as a living sacrifice.......for you and for me.
Is that love,or what?
To love somebody so much, that You would be willing to give up Your most cherished creation.........Your own flesh and blood,for people,who, half the time, don't seem to care whether You do,or not!
Oh,how that breaks my heart!
Because He loved us so very much,He did this for us...... He knew, beforehand that His Son was going to be a living sacrifice! I didn't know, ahead of time, that I was gonna have to lay my sacrifice upon the alter, at the age of twenty.I wasn't prepared to give up my son, but my Father is a faithful God, and is prepared, because He has gone through everything we have, including the death of someone He dearly loved.
He will provide the strength we need and the direction we need to go.....
Because He loved us so very much........


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