Thursday, September 29, 2005


I'm telling on myself today,folks! I bought a plant, back in July, to give to a very special person. I watered this Orchid, and babied it, and even had my husband watering it, just so I could keep it alive and healthy, for her July 25th birthday! There was a slight problem, though.......... After I gave it to her, and made her promise not to forget to water it, I was informed,........
It was a silk plant! Have you ever felt dumb,folks?
Well, this 'ole kiddo felt like I fit right in at the "dumb" factory! You couldn't judge a book by its cover on this plant, because it looked so real.
In the same way, we have to be careful not to judge other people by their outward appearance. We need to accept them, just as they Christ accepted us. Don't try to water them down with our own ideas. We can encourage them with the fertilizer of God's word, because with that, they will stand a better chance of having a garden of true Christian blooms!


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