The more young folks that I see throwing in the towel on their marriages, because they just couldn't make it work, the more I see how blessed I was in my thirty giving them to us and take the time to thank God for giving them those qualities that make them so special! ......Better yet, let's tell them so!
God has given them characteristics that that enables them to hold our families together seven year marriage......even though it had its ups and downs too.
I think many of us need to stop and take stock of our mates and thank God for in a special way, and sometimes I don't think we let them know that enough!(I'm speaking from a female point of view) I know there isn't any marriage that is perfect, but by God's grace and with His help He can sustain it through those difficult times, and make the years even better!
We sang a song in church today, where the words said, "Even in the valley, God is good." That's so true, in a marriage too. Especially in the rough times, or the valleys of a marriage, God is always good, because He never changes. From the mountain peaks, to the valleys, God is always good!
It was His plan for a man to have a woman, and He said it was good.
I think we need to remind our men that they are still good too!
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