I am so thankful that David made all the investments that he did, and when he did. He enjoyed doing that sort of thing, and now I'm reaping the benefits of all his before hand thinking of investments!
I think we need to make an investment in our young women of today, just as much as we do in our financial futures. We need to make an investment in how they should be carrying themselves and acting. We need to tell them not to buy into the lies that the secular world will try to sell them, because they will be tempting, but not profitable!
There are too many of us, as "Titus Mom's" that need to speak up and let our grace, seasoned with salt, rub off on some of these daughters before it's too late. We need to come alongside these daughters and show them; teach them, and train them in manners and protocol on how to grow up in the favor and admonition of the Lord, because somewhere along the way, so many of them have lost the direction.
Will you make that investment with me?
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