This time of night, there are always two mourning Doves that come and feast off of the bottom of the feeding tray of the bird feeder on the porch. All the other birds just make way and give them complete range.
They are so sweet standing side by side on the feeder; nibbling out of the tray together....... One will bow down and nibble food while the other looks out for prey, and then the other will eat, while the other one stands on look out! It is so cool how they will watch out for each other, even while they're eating!
It's at this time of night, and early in the morning, when I stand in awe of all of God's creations and how He has created them in a splendid manner.
Of course, what else could a splendid God create, but splendor?
Well, You just sound like a wonderful person. God bless you.
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