Monday, July 18, 2011


Scripture tells us that our God will have no other Gods before Him, and that's okay with me, and probably with most everyone else too, but what most people don't think about is that when God says no other gods before Him, He means NOTHING!!!! That means our children; our grandchildren; food; clothes; our homes; our jobs....anything that will take priority over our love of God! That's a tough pill to swallow, I know, but there's a reason He told us that. When we place Him first, He blesses us, because we are His, and because He honors our obedience!
I love this Sovereign God of mine and I wouldn't want Him any other way.
Yes, I love chocolate! I love my children, and my grandchildren! I love my home, and I adored my sweet husband!
Grandmother had a little placque in her trailer over her bedroom door that read "GOD FIRST".....I now have that in my kitchen window, as my reminder too!
There is nothing that could take the place of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


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