Tuesday, June 14, 2011


When I was growing up, we had several slides on The Roseborough elementary school playground, and I loved them both. In fact, I just loved to slide!
There's one kind of slide I don't like though.
Sometimes, our circumstances can tend to overwhelm us and God's answer to these events can often confuse us, even though He is not a God of confusion. This often leads to us becoming disgruntled with His answer and we begin to "backslide" in our faith!.....I don't like that slide one bit!
We take our focus off of the main thing, and place it on our circumstances!
Satan wins, when this happens, folks....and he's loving it!
Sometimes we just have to be flexible, even when we don't totally understand "why" God does things the way He does.
We just need to trust that He is working ALL things together for GOOD, to those who are called according to His purpose! If we do this everytime, we can just slide on in to our Heavenly Home plate!
Now, that's the kind of slide I can deal with!


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