Monday, May 25, 2009


When I was a little girl,I had a small 12" wicker basket,that had a pastel blue satin lining.I put all my baby doll clothes in it for wash day and Mother would let me wash those clothes when she washed our clothes.(I have since given this to my daughter Kelly!)I always wanted Mother to buy me those miniature Tide boxes to wash the doll clothes in, because it was just the right size for the clothes, but she said they were just too expensive.The day I graduated from high school,though,I came home to find one of those miniature Tide boxes on my bed! I've never forgotten it either!
Today, when I went to visit Jenn,over at South Point,I noticed that she had those same little miniature Tide boxes in her KOA campground store for sale for 91cents!
Guess who bought one? :p)
Sometimes there are things in life that are just worth waiting for,aren't there?
God's word was given to His disciples and His followers some 2,000 years ago, and I'd say that it is the one and only thing in this life that is worth waiting for!
God's word is sharper than any two edged sword and when God speaks, we will listen!Even if we are "too old to cut the mustard",I bet His word will still cut it! :pD
And what He says is worth waiting for too!


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