Sunday, January 20, 2008


Isn't this comforting........

**A more than 70 car pile up on I-4 in Florida, with several people dead, due to fog and smoke.......
**Tornadoes all up and down the mid west, wreaking havoc......
**Wildfires that have wreaked havoc in California, followed by mudslides.......
**Drive by shootings and kidnappings all over our country.....
**Fruit trees freezing and devastating floods all over.......
Everywhere I turn,it seems like there is a catastrophy going on, or someone is shooting somebody, or someone has been kidnapped, or come up missing.
......and this is just in America. The country that is suppose to be based on God's laws.......Yikes!Where have we gone?I think we are living in the times when we are seeing the beginning of the the "birth pains" that scripture talks about(or atleast some of the earliest ones) and it will only get worse!
It's kinda nice, and comforting to know, that even in the midst of all of this, we have a God "who is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." and that, no matter how dire our circumstances are,our God has already overcome those circumstances.....
Infact,He told us to "be of good cheer, because He has overcome the entire world".........Now, how's that?!
That's something worth cheering about!


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