Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Have you ever thought about this before?
In the Old Testament, God is always referred to as the God of Abraham; Isaac and
Jacob. If you think about it, the first two sound reasonable. Abraham followed God,
even though he had no idea where he was going. Isaac trusted God, and was about to slay
his only son, even though he didn't know God was about to stop him from doing so.
But, Jacob? Jacob was the trickster, and deceiver. Why would God use him?
I think God wanted to give us a picture of us before our restoration. We all know that God
 took Jacob and restored him so that he  could become Israel. I think he wanted us to see
 that He can take anything, or anybody, and restore them into a new creation!
All we have to do, is trust in Him to change us, "The old has gone; the new has come," and we can have everlasting life as new creatures in Christ!
Isn't that cool?


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