Monday, August 23, 2010


I walked down to the office today and talked with Sue, who was managing things while Bill and Heather were gone. The topic turned to children who had died at a young age, and she told me about her sister, Jane, who gave back to God, not one, but three children, and a husband, all around the same time frame!
I nearly fell over listening to her story!
As her sister was burying one son, her husband was having a heart attack, and going into a coma, from which he died! I asked her how in the world did Jane make it through, and she said "she didn't"....." God did!"
What a testimony to God's faithfulness to His own!
I knew then, that she would be fine. In fact, Sue said that she has since remarried and that God has blessed her abundantly in this second marriage!
God always takes care of His own, doesn't He?


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