When, and if the time comes and I must decide whether to stay here or move into an assisted living facility; or if I need to stay in this house or move to a smaller one; or even if I need to stay in a home at all, may I be of such sound mind that I can rely on spiritual guidance and wise counsel to guide my thoughts and actions. Help me to understand that this home that I have been given is just a temporary dwelling place on this earth, and that my permanent Home is much grander. Help me, too, to remember that the things I have around here, are just that...."things", and You have told me not to place my treasure here, but in Heaven above!
Father, if You will be my Strong Tower, when I am weak, and my portion, when I am empty, I will be fine! If you will be my shield, when arrows are coming and my defender when the battles are fierce, I will be fine, and if You will be my comforter, when I am weary, and my El Shaddai, when I am insufficient, I will be fine too. Please just be my all in all, Lord Jesus, and remain by my side in all things. Surround every room of my house, no matter where I am, or what I am doing, for as long as You are by my side, I will be fine!
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