Friday, June 04, 2010


Folks, if I get through writing this without weeping, it will be a miracle! As you know, I drove to Aiken Thursday to see how much Project Graduation had grown in the fourteen years since I started it in Aiken. For those of you who aren't familiar with this project, it is an all night alcohol celebration for seniors the night that they graduate from high school! It is a nationwide program and absolutely wonderful. When I started it in 1996, I did so as a tribute to our son David after he died ,because he had told me that it was something that I needed to do! Well, when I started it, we did so on a budget of maybe $2000.00, if we were doing good! This past year's budget was up to $30,000! I met up with the Donna that I wrote you about, and she took me up to O'Dell Weeks around 7:15 Thursday night, where a young man from WRDW, Channel 12, in Augusta was waiting to interview me on what I thought of all the changes. They were still using some of the same props from fourteen years ago~~~~only refreshed! I couldn't believe it!(O'Dell Weeks has two gyms and every room was filled with bugee runs;jousting;casino room with play money;money booth;WII room;food cafe'; sitting massage room;photography~~~Every grad took home cash and/or prizes. Incredible music, and decorations too!
What sent my heart into tears though, was when I sat near the entrance to watch the some 600 grads as they came in. None of these people knew me or knew who I was, but as they came in the two ladies on both sides of me were asking each student to place their smaller ticket into the "David Lock Scholarship Fund" bucket. When I heard them both say this several times, I asked them what this was, and they said it was they David Lock Scholarship Fund. I asked again what it was for, to which they replied:" It's in memory of the son of the lady who started this. Did you know him?"
I almost lost it!~~~~~ I said "yes! He's my son!"
Oh was God ever gracious to me Thursday night. Some of the students; the police officers; and the parents all thanked me for starting it and one Mom said she wanted to go back to Newbern, NC and start it there!
You have no idea how this touched my heart to know that the folks in Aiken are still supporting this event, and that so many young folks are off the roads and that other Mothers will not have to go through what I went through on April 29th, 1995. Oh, how God is faithful to His own~~~~
Plus, He little me see my little Emery too, and she smiled at me!


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