Saturday, May 01, 2010


I was explaining to Charlie today, how you create a Photoreal.If you've never done one, it's a quite an experience in detailed drawing. Basically, it's creating a drawing from an enlarged photograph on a grid. The photo is taken of one object, such as a pencil, and you have to draw that pencil, so that you are drawing only one section at a time! Each grid is minutely detailed, so that when you finish with it, you can move on to the next one.After each grid is completed, you will have a beautifully detailed pencil! It is exhausting, but worth the effort!
God has made a Photoreal of our lives too! He has taken each one of us and painstakingly drawn a grid for each one of our lives. Not until He is pleased with what He has finished drawing in that grid, will He go on to the next facet of our personality grid. When every grid of our portrait is finished, He hand delivers us to parents that He has so ordained before one day was formed!
Talk about a Photoreal for preplanned parenthood!


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